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Urban Water Management Plan

As required by state law, and in accordance with the best practices of water management, Triunfo Water & Sanitation District maintains a detailed Urban Water Management Plan. Its primary purpose is to provide an effective planning tool to ensure the District’s ongoing supply of dependable, adequate, and safe water for our customers. The Plan is also a key component of Triunfo’s commitment to water conservation and includes a Water Shortage Contingency Plan (Chapter 8) that provides details on actions the District will take when water supply falls below certain levels. The table below summarizes the three-stage structure of that plan and the respective supply reduction “triggers” of each stage.

Stages of Water Shortage Contingency Planning

Stage WSCP Stage Level Percent Supply Reduction Water Supply Condition
Permanent – MinimalLevel 1Up to 10%Applies at all times to prevent water waste and unnecessary water use.
Water Shortage Stage I – ModerateLevel 211-20%Applies during periods when the possibility exists that the District will not be able to meet all customer water demands. Triunfo is currently operating under the provisions and restrictions of this Stage.
Water Shortage Stage II – SevereLevel 321-30%Applies during periods when the probability exists that the District will not be able to meet all customer water demands.
Water Shortage Stage III – CriticalLevel 431-40%Applies during periods when the District will not be able to meet all customer water demands.
Level 541-50%Applies when a major failure of any supply or distribution facility, whether temporary or permanent, occurs in local, regional, or state water distribution systems.
Level 650%Applies when a catastrophic failure of any supply or distribution facility, whether temporary or permanent, occurs in District, local, regional, or state water distribution systems.

Details on customer water restrictions that apply to each stage are available in Chapter 8 of the Urban Water Management Plan.

In the event of a water supply shortage, violations of water use restrictions may be subject to financial penalties as shown in the table below:

Violation Permanent (Level 1) & Stage 1 (Level 2) Stage 2 (Level 3) and Stage 3 (Levels 4-6)
First ViolationWritten WarningFine not greater than $100
Second Violation within a 12-Month PeriodFine not greater than $100Fine not greater than $200
Third Violation within a 12-Month PeriodFine not greater than $150Fine not greater than $250
Fourth Violation Within a 12-Month PeriodFine not greater than $200Fine not greater than $350
Fifth and Subsequent Violations Within a 12-Month Period*Fine not greater than $250Fine not greater than $500

*Fifth and subsequent violations may also be subject to installation of a flow restrictor or termination of service.

Additionally, customers who use water over the amount which is allocated to their account will be charged a penalty for excessive consumption as follows:

Excess Water Charge 1 Excess Water Charge 2 Excess Water Charge 3
0 - <7 HCF7 - <12 HCF12+ HCF
Penalty based on 1X Tier 1 water ratePenalty based on 2X Tier 2 water ratePenalty based on 3X Tier 3 water rate